March 7, 2009

Tough Dates..

Dating is really hard work for many of us and i agree that...finding sum1 to spend the rest of ur life with, takes some me...

Biasanya lepas kuar dating, sure nye macam2 soklan dalam kepala ; he seems to like me, doesn't he?, i think he is a keeper, she's kinda hot...hahaha..
If he/she looked different from what you pictured, his/her personality was different too, then wat u should do babe??? It happens as if one party feels good about the connection, while the other party decided that no connection was made. When this does happen, one party is left with telling the other that it is time to move on. There is no right answer because rejecting someone is hurtful..

Many people assume that it is easier for men to get dates...erm..betul ke???
and then even average-looking men who are not rich have a better chance of getting a date than a women...ada betul nye..Manusia lebih suka melihat pada kecantikan luaran berbanding dalaman,.sepatutnya melihat kecantikan dalaman adalah lebih penting drpada luaran...nama lagi manusia babe...hehehe

For me dating is not always about fun and romance, it can be hard work too..


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